Serene Greens

Peaceful and energizing places are made of greens.

Green is a great option among the many colors you can choose to decorate your home's interior. Anyone who has ever taken a break from the bustle of city life and traveled to the countryside will understand why this color is associated with calm in the language of color therapy. That feeling can be carried over into the home's decor; for example, a bedroom painted a mossy green can be a restful sanctuary where one can relax and rejuvenate, while a living room painted a vibrant chartreuse can evoke a sense of vitality and life that is in harmony with the color's connection to the outdoors. For your pleasure, we have prepared a collection of items in emerald, forest, and mint green to help you incorporate this versatile color into your interior.

Serene Greens collection

Shop products to create green colored interiors and create the most inspiring environments that fit your style. Find Wall Art, Vases, Textiles, and much more.

Soothing Feathers Mural Wallpaper
Your environment shapes you.
Our customers loved this item to design environments that support the best version of themselves.
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Designer's choice
Bhuti Ceramic Hanging Lights
To focus only on rooms' aesthetics and functionality is not enough. Designers choose these stunning products that also care about their environmental impact.
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      Serene greens collection | Greens are used to create peaceful and energizing environments.

      Green is one of the many colors you can use to decorate the interior of your home. Anyone who has ever traveled to the countryside to escape the hustle and bustle of city life will understand why this color is associated with calm in the language of color therapy. That feeling can be carried over into the home's decor; for example, a mossy green bedroom can be a restful sanctuary where one can relax and rejuvenate, whereas a vibrant chartreuse living room can evoke a sense of vitality and life that is in harmony with the color's connection to the outdoors. We've gathered a selection of items in emerald, forest, and mint green to help you incorporate this versatile color into your interior.
      Sustainable interiors
      Be an environmental hero: Start with your indoor spaces.
      We help you create interiors that support the environment with products that care about the manufacturing process, materials, and people.

      Select and support products based on their positive impact on the environment.
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      Biophilic design
      Feel much better when your surroundings support you.
      Biophilic interior design provides proven benefits to your health and well-being. Live in spaces that bring out the best in you.

      Say hello to a more productive, calm, and brighter version of yourself.
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      Discover the finest of nature and sustainable design